
Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Tracey Ogilvie-McDonald Tracey Ogilvie-McDonald

2023 has made me more

The last day of 2023. I’m sitting in quiet and reflecting, as I have been over these past few days, on the year that is coming to a close.

As a Druid, my year is filled with seasons coming to an end, and seasons just beginning. Living the Wheel of the Year is a blessing because while there are ends of cycles, we bid goodbye with anticipation and welcome to the new cycle and the potential it holds. The energies of the old become weaker as the coming energies become stronger, creating soft melding places between the two.

In our mundane world, I recognize that December 31st 2023 and January 1st 2024 are dates on a man-made calendar intentioned to mark the passing of time for humans in a universal way. But, gosh, this year I am looking forward to a new date, a new time, ripe with possibilities, and full of potential waiting to be made manifest.

2023. It has been a year with Challenges – big ‘C’ challenges. It held disappointments, frustrations, anxiety … fear. There were times of such deep despair that I shy away from thinking of them, relieved that I moved beyond them. It was also a year of colossal change; change that I had not anticipated, and change that caused some resentment, taking away what little control of my life I thought I had. We foolish humans!

It also held moments when I thought I had no more to give and the universe provided, giving me respite exactly when I needed it, re-filling my cup enough that my heart expanded and I found I could give more.

I want to say here – must say here – that I have never felt, nor expressed as much intentional and heartfelt gratitude as I have this year. Gratitude for my life, my all encompassing life.

I am blessed beyond measure to have been given the time and space to get to know my younger grandsons and to be a loving support to them as life unfolded. They have put more smiles in my heart. Little tickles of laughter bubble around me because of them. I have watched in amazement as my son stood up to his own life’s challenges, facing fears and unknowns with courage and yes, some tears. I am grateful that I have been able to stand with him, showing him he is not alone.

Our ancestors are strong around us.

I am blessed by friends who’s roots in my life have taken hold. I have watered those roots with trust, something I have not been able to do for a long while. Now, those incredible and inspiring people steady me when the winds of life feel that they would topple me. I am humbled and so very grateful for their presence in my circle. To those I call anam cara, bless you.

Through Living Full Circle, I have had the honour of being present for people whether in co-creating special weddings, or celebrating the life of one who has passed on. I hold space for people when life weighs them down. I am honoured to stand witness as women take their place of Crone, owning their wisdom.

I am rewarded by this work, and through the other services I provide. Rewarded and thankful that the universe works in such a mysterious way that it has brought me to where I belong … to my authentic being in this world.

I feel awake. I am energized.

I look into the unformed mists of 2024 and feel the hopeful anticipation of this new year, this new cycle.

I don’t dismiss 2023 without a backward glance. I move forward changed, taking with me the lessons and experiences it gave me. And I leave the confused and fearful times - with thanks - in the Hands of Time of the Past.

To my guides, my ancestors, to the gods and other Persons who give me their presence and gifts, thank you.

Many blessings to each one of you in the new year.


Tracey /|\

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