Hello and welcome to my website!
Throughout my life, I have been blessed by the presence and the teachings of many people. Sometimes, seeing the beauty within them, the characteristics that make them the extraordinary people that they are, I used to wish I could be a little more like so and so.
It has taken my own journey for me to understand that I am exactly who I am meant to be, and am the perfect Tracey, with my own characteristics and strengths.
The “meet Tracey” page is an opportunity to share something of myself with you in order that you will have some knowledge about me. This is hard for me because at my core, I’m a private person and sharing on a public website isn’t something I do well. However, let me share something that is fundamental to me and the work you and I will do together.
I develop and build relationships.
Not all relationships are the same. Not all are meant to span years. Some come to conclusion badly, or with hurt or anger. Parent/child relationships. Pen pal relationships. Social media relationships. And how about the relationship that is the bond you feel with someone after just a day that won’t develop into a forever friendship? I don’t dismiss those eight hours spent being present and in mutual recognition with another. Regardless of the boundaries and time around a relationship, they all have one thing in common – they take at least two.
All of my work which includes my work as a thanadoula and being present with someone who is dying; being a support for family and friends in grief; sitting with someone who is trying to find their inner connection to that which provides comfort and a sense of belonging; welcoming people to Druid ritual and celebration; being with someone who’s caregiver is taking a bit of a respite; helping people create their most special of days – all of my work involves relationships.
Developing relationships has been a pattern in my life long before I saw it there and named it. I called it “being in service”. The types of services I provide through Living Full Circle require that I am in relationship with someone. They always have.
So what does this have to do with “meet Tracey”?
Because at the very first, I am letting you know that whatever service I offer that will give you solace and benefit, it starts off with a relationship. A new one. A hesitant one, perhaps. But it is the first step.
Knowing that changes the dynamic between us and sets us on a mutual path.
I hope that those of you who have gifted me your time, your knowledge, your experience, your joy, your generosity, your patience, your support, and your wisdom, know who you are. If you’re not sure, close your eyes for a moment, feel your heart, and know the gratitude that I hold in my own heart for you. Thank you.
To those of you whom I haven’t yet met, I look forward to meeting you. Know that I have already sent gratitude for you into the universe.
Tracey /|\

my mission
To honour the full circle of life through presence, ceremony, compassion and connection.
Together, we will create joy, ease, and peace.
skills & experience
Graduate of the “Contemplative End of Life Care Program”, the Institute of Traditional Medicine, Toronto
ordained Metaphysical Minister, the Bancroft Centre for Awakening Spiritual Growth
Qi Stone Massage practitioner, the Institute of Aromatherapy
Second Level ReiKi practitioner, Usui Shiki Ryoho Method, Florine Gravitis, ReiKi Master
Shamanic practitioner, the Foundation of Shamanic Studies
Certified Grief Recovery Method Specialist®, operating through the Grief Recovery Institute
Wholistic herbalist, The Living Centre
Physiology and Anatomy, Heartstone Herbal School
Dowser and Energy Worker, since 2005
Why Living Full Circle?
Through Living Full Circle, I build relationships with people, sometimes for a short time and sometimes for a longer time – all with an eye to their needs. I help them to find connection, whether that’s through their spiritual self, their celebratory self, or their hurting self.
I provide service to people who are Living life in full circle.
Duidry is a path that is based on the foundations of respect, knowledge, learning and ancestor reverence. It has fostered an inquisitive and seeking nature in me of all things – whether they are within or without of my human or spiritual understanding. Through its teachings, I honour the presence of life in all things.