shamanic practices
why shamanic practice?
As we look around us, more and more of us are feeling a part from a world that we once knew. Change is happening at alarming rates, leaving many of us feeling out of place or disconnected. How do we find our balance? How do we make a difference amidst the whirling change, whether that is in our own life, the life of our family, or the cohesion of our community? How does our energetic presence and action make an impact on a larger scale? What do those differences look like?
There are many ways for us to ground ourselves in our lives and to feel supported. Shamanism is one of those ways. Connecting to other Beings beyond ourselves, we can be shown ways that will make a difference, given information to help us understand our direction, and feel supported in that.
What is shamanism?
“After years of extensive research, Mircea Eliade, in his book, Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, concluded that shamanism underlays all the other spiritual traditions on the planet, and that the most distinctive feature of shamanism—but by no means the only one—was the journey to other worlds in an altered state of consciousness.”
Shamanic Healing: We Are Not Alone
An Interview of Michael Harner by Bonnie Horrigan
Core Shamanism & journeying
Having explored various modalities that put me in connection with Persons outside of my physical self, as well as beyond my physical world, core shamanism was a natural part of my learning and my experiences, and I include it in my spiritual work and offer it to help others.
“Core Shamanism” is a term that describes specific steps to reach out beyond our physical and energetic world and journey to other realms and other worlds. Shamanic practitioners travel to these other places to communicate with our Spirit guides, our Ancestors, and other Wise beings.
Shamanic journeying in this way is not the same as a meditative or other journey. It is specific to core shamanism as taught by the Foundation for Shamanic Studies.
A shamanic practitioner is given information, guidance, etc. through the experience of the journey. It is important for questors to understand that the experiences are not meant for the one doing the journey. We are a conduit.
The resulting journey requires interpretation by the questor - not the shamanic practitioner. The practitioner’s speculated interpretations may be wholly different than what the questor resonates with and what may be significant to that person.
I suggest to questors that, once a journey and its information has been passed on, the questor spend time - days, weeks, perhaps months, finding the meaning in the information provided by their guides. I am always available to follow up.
People who are curious about what information or guidance their Guides would provide;
People who are not sure that shamanism can help them yet have faith that there is wisdom beyond our own realm that they can tap into for help, information and possibly healing;
People who want to access other realms with specific goals but need someone to journey for them.
Please note that the services that I provide are not to teach people how to practice core shamanism. Rather, it is a journey that I take on one’s behalf.
“Today's Shaman does not always live in a tribal society. She is just as likely to be an urban dweller who draws from ancient worldwide practices that enable her to enter into worlds not seen in our mundane reality. From these non-ordinary worlds she brings healing and information to her community and those seeking guidance. Assistance from the Shamanic realms may be recovery from past trauma, guidance in making an important decision, physical healing, or acceptance and help in making a transition.”
Gail Nyoka, Storyteller, Druid
How do we begin?
It all starts with an Initial Journey that costs $90 + taxes. I cannot say how long the Journey will take. That is completely up to the Persons that come into contact with and what they want to show me or speak to me about.
I don’t take my role lightly and I would not be arrogant nor disrespectful to those from whom I am asking help. Journeying is a serious undertaking for me. Having a complimentary consultation conversation with the client is a priority.
A date and time for the journey will be set. And another date and time will be set with the client to speak about the outcomes.
Common Questions
Is shamanism as taught by Michael Harner and the Foundation for Shamanic Studies cultural appropriation?
No. Core Shamanism uses methods that are part of the tool boxes of most walkers-between- worlds no matter what country they were born in, no matter what time they were born in, no matter what culture they were born into. Core Shamanism is not cultural appropriation.
As we continue to be aware and respectful of the cultures of indigenous peoples, we should remember that each and every one of us came from indigenous peoples. Cultural appropriation is adopting something from a culture that is not your own or is not part of your heritage, and claiming it for yourself. I cannot do dances to the elements that are specific to the Hopi people because I am not Hopi. That doesn’t mean that I cannot do my own dance to the elements. The dance is not appropriation. Doing it in the way of the Hopi people, calling on Hopi spirits that are not part of my culture, could be appropriation
Are clients present when you travel on their behalf?
For the most part, no. If clients wish to be present that is esasily set up. However, in my shamanic practice, unless I am doing something specific, journeys are undertaken without the client being present. When the client and I set up a day and time, I will ask the client to be aware of that so that their intention for guidance and information is combined with mine.
Do you require your clients to take mind altering substances in order to take a shamanic journey?
No. If a client were to be present during a journey, they have no active role in it. Aside from that, I am not a medical professional and do not have experience with ingested mind-altering substances. I would not ask anyone to do anything that I am not qualified for if intervention was necessary.
I will further add that if a journey was being done with the client in the same space, and that client arrived under the influence(s) of alcohol or drugs, I would re-schedule the appointment.
How do you create an altered state of consciousness if you are not using ingested substances?
There are many ways that, combined, create an altered state of consciousness for shamanic practitioners. While drumming is a big part of that, there are other practices and methods that I use that are private to me.
What are the next steps after a first journey?
If you consider that a shamanic practitioner is reaching out to your guides and Ancestors, it follows that any information brought back is specifically for you. Sometimes, after a period of time, clients want to do another check in that they are on the right path. I am very happy to create another appointment.
Do you have any suggestions for questors?
There are some who look at a shamanic journey as a method of divination. The purpose of the journey is private to the questor. My journey may hold information that I don't recognize but the questor does.
Shamanic practice is not something "everyone can do". It isn't a party trick or something to do for fun. If I make a journey on behalf of another and they choose to think of it as such, that is up to them. But a wise client will take the information knowing it has come from knowlegeable and wise Beings and realms beyond them, and sus out the information, knowing that it applies to their life.
Whether you have questions or are ready to work together, let’s begin with a complimentary phone call. I look forward to learning more about where you need support.